@quintero_customs with the epic build, stippling, and cerakote rockin our shadow slide #repost
Battle worn copper is the new battle worn bazooka @thrash_tactical shadow slide cut, my Elite TxRazorback frame package, @_ninex19_ TiN barrel with the matching @tactical_pontoon combat phalanx trigger system, @zevtech magwell and @strikeindustries emp magazine extension all done in @cerakote distressed copper to kick off the week!!
#ThisIsTheWay #GunsArePartOfMyReligion #Glock #GlockMods #QuinteroCustoms #QuinteroCustomsCerakote #QuinteroCustomsStippling #QuinteroCustomsGlocks #TacticalPontoon #AlphaOutfitters #ShootistTactical #FourScoreTactical #TXRazorback #TexasRazorback #RazorbackGlocks #Polymer80 #P80 #GoFastGlocks #GlockModsOrDie #BecauseFactorySucks #ThePewPewLife #Stipple #StippleLife
#Cerakote #TheCustomGlockLife #thrashtactical