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Glock 34 gen4 Mos Stippled Frame
March 10, 2023 Robert Martin

Glock 34 gen4 Mos Stippled Frame

Posted in Uncategorized

Looking good cerakote and stippling done by @sapper_tactical_creations #repost A gritty battle-wear doesn’t have to compromise your coatings performance, this base coat is tactical grey and the battlewear is graphite black. This Glock 34 is going to make one sweet go fast gun! I had the slide work done @thrash_tactical then I knocked off the Glock knuckle with a single undercut, welded the beaver tail back strap and also made it seamless at the top, accelerator cut with texture for positive support hand control, and wrapped it all up in my EDC texture extra aggressive how I like it. #stippling #cerakote #pewpew #racegun #longgun #9mm #glock #glock34 #stipplejunkie #cerakotethatshit #custom #grippy #battlewornglock #carbonspots #grittyandgrimey #dirtyglock #thrashtactical